
Core Team

Cristina Elena Popa Tache

Professor of public international law, European Union law and communications and new technologies law. Writer, painter and diver.

Management & Leadership Skills

Cristina Elena Popa Tache possesses exceptional management and leadership skills, demonstrated through her roles in prestigious international organisations. As the Editor-in-Chief of the International Investment Law Journal, she oversees a publication indexed in over 30 distinguished international libraries and catalogues, collaborating closely with prominent members of the editorial board to uphold high academic standards. Writer, painter and diver. She has effectively managed various initiatives and projects aimed at advancing legal scholarship and education.

Additionally, Cristina serves as an Associate Editor and Juridical Collection Coordinator at Taylor & Francis for the Cogent Social Sciences journal, as well as at Springer Nature for the Discover Global Society series, where she coordinates efforts to address the dynamic relationship between public international law and societal changes. Her leadership acumen and editorial expertise significantly contribute to the advancement of legal research and dialogue on global issues.

Education and Training

Cristina Elena Popa Tache has an extensive educational background in law and international relations. She holds a PhD in Public International Law, specialising in the legal regime of foreign investments, from the Institute of Legal Research of the Romanian Academy (2015). Her qualifications also include a variety of certifications and training from esteemed institutions such as:

  • Good Citation Behavior Certification, Clarivate, Web of Science Academy (2024)
  • Introduction to Ethical Publishing Behavior, Clarivate, Web of Science Academy (2024)
  • Mentoring in Peer Review, Clarivate, Web of Science (2024)
  • Training in International Arbitration, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators o Mediator Diploma in Conflict Mediation, Bucharest Chamber of Commerce and Industry (2011)
  • Postgraduate Studies in Taxation, University of Bucharest (2001)
  • Master's in Commercial Law, University of Bucharest (1999)
  • Bachelor's Degree in Legal Sciences, Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University and University of Bucharest
Work Experience

She is an associate professor of public international law at the ”Andrei Saguna” University and associate legal researcher in Romanian Academy. Cristina currently serves as the Co-Convenor of ESIL's International Business and Human Rights Interest Group and is an active researcher in transdisciplinarity at CIRET - Centre International de Recherches et Études Transdisciplinaires in Paris. Additionally, she is a Visiting Professor at the Bucharest University of Economic Studies and a Research Fellow in International Law at IREA Aix Marseille.

Her professional roles also include:

  • Vice President and Board Member, European Banking and Financial Law Association (AEDBF 2019-2024)
  • Member Advisor, Diversity Advisory Body of the European Society of International Law
  • Active Academic, ISDS Academic Forum at the University of Oslo & Geneva Centre for IDS

Cristina's research interests span international law, human rights, and the impact of transdisciplinary methodologies in legal studies. Her commitment to education and mentorship is reflected in her involvement in various training programmes and international collaborations.

Community Involvement

Cristina is dedicated to promoting legal literacy and community engagement through initiatives aimed at empowering vulnerable populations. She encourages participation in volunteer programmes and partnerships that advance the Institute's mission of fostering education and legal awareness.

Publications or Relevant Works

Introducere în dreptul internațional al investițiilor, Universul Juridic Publishing House, Bucharest, 2018, ISBN 978-606-39-0307-6, 320 pages.

International Investment Law. Coordinates/ Dreptul international al investitiilor. Coordonate, revised and added edition of the first monograph, Epublishers, Bucharest, 2019, ISBN 978-606-049-100-2, 545 pages.

Introduction to International Investment Law, published by ADJURIS International Academic Publisher (a Clarivate publisher), Bucharest, 2020, ISBN 978-606-94978-2-1 (E-Book), 202 pages, E-Book Download

Legal treatment standards for international investments. Heuristic aspects, Ed. Adjuris International Academic Publisher (a Clarivate publisher), 2021, ISBN 978-606-94978-7-6 (E-Book), 122 pages, E-book Download, under indexing in Web of Science.

Towards a law of the soul and of the biofields of life forms/Spre un drept al sufletului și al biocâmpurilor formelor de viață, the Romanian edition of the version published by L Harmattan presented in B6, ed. GreenBook and Adjuris International Academic Publisher, 2021, ISBN: 978-606-95388-0-7, 142 pages.

Vers un droit de l'âme et des bioénergies du vivant, Ed. L Harmattan, Collection : Logiques Juridiques, 2022, preface by Jean-Luc Martin-Lagardette, ISBN : 978-2-343-25139-4, 172 pages. It was included in the Stanford - Robert Crown Law Library catalogue, where it has been given the K3150 indicator specific to works on public international law: https://searchworks.stanford.edu/view/14175440.

Elementary notes on investment protection standards in international law/Notiuni elementare privind standardele de protectie a investitiilor in dreptul international, university course material, Ed. Pro Universitaria, 2022, ISBN: 9786062615444, 160 pages. Public International Law, university course material, Ed. C.H. Beck, Oct.2022.

Elements of transdisciplinary dynamics in public international law /Elemente de dinamica transdisciplinara in dreptul international public, Ed. Pro Universitaria, 2023.

Le dynamisme du droit international public contemporain et la transdisciplinarité, Préface de Florent Pasquier, Ed. L`Harmattan Paris, la collection « Le droit aujourd’hui », 2023.

Dreptul comunicațiilor și al noilor tehnologii, Curs universitar/ Law of communications and new technologies, university course material, Ed. Pro Universitaria 2023.

Editor-in-Chief for CIRET Infolettre (Centre International de Recherches et études Transdisciplinaires) and member of the Scientific Committee of TERRA - HN Réseau scientifique de recherche et de publication: https://www.reseauterra.eu/article1464.html

Le droit international en transition, volume collectif. Contributions à la 4ème Conférence sur le Droit comparé et international Conférence internationale, 14 juin 2024, Bucarest. Ed. L`Harmattan, Collection : Logiques Juridiques,, 2024. Coordinating Editors: Cristina Elena Popa Tache and Cătălin-Silviu Săraru (forthcoming).

For an International Transdisciplinary Chair About the Dialogue Between Culture and Technoscience, Vo. I Contributions to the Online Symposium „For an international transdisciplinary chair” organized by the International Center for Transdisciplinary Research and Studies (CIRET), March 21-25, 2024, Paris, Publishing House: ADJURIS – International Academic Publisher. Coordinating Editors: Cristina Elena Popa Tache, Hubert Landier, Leonardo da S.G. Martins da Costa, Mariana Thieriot Loisel.

For an International Transdisciplinary Chair:From Knowledge to the Future. Volume II. Contributions to the Online Symposium „For an international transdisciplinary chair” organized by the International Center for Transdisciplinary Research and Studies (CIRET). March 21-25, 2024, Paris Publishing House: ADJURIS – International Academic Publisher. Editors: Cristina Elena Popa Tache, Hubert Landier, Leonardo da S.G. Martins da Costa, Mariana Thieriot Loisel.

Adapting to Change Business Law Insights from Today's International Legal Landscape, Contributions to the 13th International Conference Challenges of Business Law in the Third Millennium, November 17, 2023, Bucharest, ADJURIS – International Academic Publisher, Coordinating Editors: Cristina Elena Popa Tache, Renata Treneska Deskoska, Nathaniel Boyd; Editors: Marijana Mladenov, Isabelle Oprea, Daniela Duță, Konstantinos Kouroupis, Leonidas D. Sotiropoulos: E-Book Download

Co-editor of the volum Tempore Mutationis in International and Comparative Law, Contributions to the 3rd Conference on Comparative and International Law, June 23, 2023, Bucharest - International Conference, Publishing House: ADJURIS – International Academic Publisher, Editors: Federica Cristani, Cristina Elena Popa Tache.

Co-editor of Looking for New Paths in Comparative and International Law , Contributions to the Conference on Comparative and International Law June 25, 2021, Bucharest - International Conference, ed. ADJURIS - International Academic Publisher, Editors: Dalvinder Singh, Cristina Elena Popa Tache, Cătălin-Silviu Săraru, editing format: pdf Acrobat Reader, date of publication: September 2021.

Co-editor of Banking Law in the 21st Century, Contributions to the 14th International Conference Contemporary Approaches in Banking and Financial Law, April 15, 2021, Bucharest Publishing House: ADJURIS - International Academic Publisher, 2021, Editors: Ianfred Silberstein, Thierry Bonneau, Cristina Elena Popa Tache, Lucía Piazza Dobarganes, Katharina Muscheler, Christopher Hunt.

Co-editor of Innovation and Development in Business Law, Contributions to the 10th International Conference Perspectives of Business Law in the Third Millennium, November 13, 2020, ed. ADJURIS - International Academic Publisher, 2021, Editors: Thierry Bonneau, Cristina Elena Popa Tache.

Co-editor of Experientiam et Progressionem in Comparative and International Law, Contributions to the 2nd Conference on Comparative and International Law, June 24, 2022, Bucharest - International Conference, Publishing House: ADJURIS - International Academic Publisher, Editors: Banggui Jin, Cristina Elena Popa Tache.

Cristina-Elena Popa Tache -Editor's note about the 14th International Conference "Contemporary Approaches in Banking and Financial Law" took place in Bucharest, Romania, on 15 April 2021, in Banking Law in the 21st Century, Contributions to the 14th International Conference Contemporary Approaches in Banking and Financial Law, April 15, 2021, Bucharest Publishing House: ADJURIS - International Academic Publisher, 2021, Editors: Ianfred Silberstein, Thierry Bonneau, Cristina Elena Popa Tache, Lucía Piazza Dobarganes, Katharina Muscheler, Christopher Hunt, pp. 11-30.

Administrative Review and Reform Movements from the Perspective of International Investment Law, in Administrative Law and Public Administration in the Global Social System, Contributions to the 3rd International Conference, Contemporary Challenges in Administrative Law from an Interdisciplinary Perspective, October 9, 2020, ed. ADJURIS - International Academic Publisher, 2021, Editors: Julien Cazala, Velimir Zivkovic, pp. 212-218.

Adapting an Efficient Mechanism for Resolving International Investment Disputes to a New Era. Vienna Investment Arbitration and Mediation Rules, „International Investment Law Journal”, Volume 1, Issue 2, July 2021, pp. 91-101.

Diverging opinions on the agreement on the termination of bilateral investment treaties between EU Member States, Universul Juridic Magazine no. 3/2022. Opinii divergente pe marginea acordului privind încetarea tratatelor bilaterale de investiții dintre statele membre ale Uniunii Europene, Revista Universul Juridic nr. 3/2022.

Locul dreptului internațional al investițiilor în genealogia dreptului internațional, în Pandectele Române nr. 1 din 2022.

Cum a influențat pandemia retroacțiunea stat-investitor?, în Curierul Judiciar nr. 5 din 2022, Ed. C.H. Beck.

Un noutratat privind biodiversitatea marină?, Revista online Universul Juridic nr. 10/2022.

Între drepturile omului și economia digitală, în Pandectele Române nr. 3 din 2022.

The EU-China road to the Comprehensive Agreement on Investment, „Juridical Tribune - Tribuna Juridică”, volume 12, issue 4, December 2022, pp. 476-494.

Public International Law and FinTech Challenge, „Perspectives of Law and Public Administration”, Volume 11, Issue 2, June 2022, pp. 218-226.

Despre elaborarea și adoptarea unui instrument internațional privind pandemiile, sub egida Organizației Mondiale a Sănătății, Revista Universul Juridic nr. 6/2022.

Cum sunt reglementate tehnologiile financiare de dreptul tratatelor? în „Pandectele Române” nr. 2/2022.

Overview of the purpose of international banking agreements, „Perspectives of Law and Public Administration”, Volume 11, Issue 1, March 2022, pp. 11-16.

Report Chapter, Specific Threats to Human Rights Protection from the Digital Reality. International Responses and Recommendations to Core Threats from the Digitalized World, Tina Pajuste ed., Tallinn University, 2022, pp. 13-17.

A new law on the horizon of legal interferences with nature and spirituality as a challenge for international law, „Cosmopolis- Revue de cosmopolitique” Franța, 2-4/2022, pp.79-102.

Cristina Elena Popa Tache & Jean-Luc Martin-Lagardette, Après les droits de l’homme, le droit de l’âme et du biochamp des êtres. Notes théoriques et d’acceptabilité, online „Terra-HN, Réseau scientifique de recherche et de publication”, Paris, 2022.

State Immunity, Between Past and Future, „AJEE (Access to Justice in Eastern Europe)”, Issue 1 (18) February 2023, pp. 97-110, E-Book Download

Analiză privind lawfare în dreptul internațional din perspectivă transdisciplinară, în Pandectele Române nr. 5/2022, Wolters Kluwer, pp. 14-28.

Cambia ca instrument național sau internațional versus digitizare // Bill of exchange as national or international instrument versus digitization, în RDBR-Revista Română de Drept Bancar și Financiar nr. 2/2022 (iulie-decembrie), Editura Rosetti, versiune online: https://rdbf.editurarosetti.ro/.

Cristina Elena Popa Tache/Constantin Brânzan, L’évolution de la régulation bancaire et financière sous l’effet des règles de protection de la clientèle, în Banque et Droit NºHS-2023-1, Paris, https://www.revue-banque.fr/sommaire/-/meta/banque-et-droit-n-hs-2023-1 și https://www.revue-banque.fr/espace-banque-droit/la-protection-des-consommateurs-de-services-bancaires-en-roumanie-entre-education-et-reforme-MD13766974.

Editorial, în numărul special sub coordonarea mea, Revista Curierul Fiscal nr. 4/2022, Editura C. H. Beck, pp. 1-6, link: https://www.beckshop.ro/curierul-fiscal-nr-4-2022.

Multinaţionalele între regulile GLoBE, digitalizare şi criză, Drept internațional fiscal, Revista Curierul Fiscal nr. 4/2022, Editura C. H. Beck, pp. 7-15, link: https://www.beckshop.ro/curierul-fiscal-nr-4-2022.

Cristina Elena Popa Tache, Cătălin-Silviu Săraru, Lawfare, Between its (Un)Limits and Transdisciplinarity, Precedente Revista Jurídica, 23, 37-66, 2023. https://doi.org/10.18046/prec.v23.5889, Web of Science, Scopus.

About the Human Rights and Consumer Protection in the Digital Age of Digital Services Act 2022 or What Aspects Interested Investors Should Pay Attention To, International Investment Law Journal Volume 3, Issue 2, July 2023, 121-132.

The Possibility of a Law of All Forms of Life in the Context of Transdisciplinary Mutations in International Law, în volumul Tempore Mutationis in International and Comparative Law, Contributions to the 3rd Conference on Comparative and International Law, June 23, 2023, Bucharest - International Conference, Publishing House: ADJURIS – International Academic Publisher, Editors: Federica Cristani, Cristina Elena Popa Tache. pp.11-28.

Cristina Elena Popa Tache, Marius Vasile Bârdan, The Robot as a Natural or Legal Person. Another Perspective on the Concept of Person, în volumul Recent Debates in Cyberspace and Artificial Intelligence Law Contributions to the 3rd International Conference on FinTech, Cyberspace and Artificial Intelligence Law, March 31, 2023, Bucharest, Publishing House: ADJURIS – International Academic Publisher, Editors: Nina Gumzej, Olga Sovova, pp. 93-108.

Cristina Elena Popa Tache/Constantin Brânzan, Interferenţe actuale între guvernanţa corporativă şi dreptul internaţional public/Current interferences between corporate governance and public international law, Revista română de drept comercial (Universul Juridic) nr. 1/2023, pp.43-52.

O corelare a cripto-activelor cu dreptul internațional al comunicațiilor și al noilor tehnologii/A Correlation of Crypto-assets with International Law of Communications and New Technologies, Revista de Drept Bancar și Financiar, nr. 1/2023 online (ianuarie-iunie), Editura Rosetti.

Between Human Rights and Consumers Protection in the Digital Age or the Rights of Digital Consumers in the European and International Context-The Digital Services Act Example, contribution to Report about the comparative content analysis of instruments adopted by international and European organizations/countries regarding human rights protection online (Deliverable No. 11), published by The Global Digital Human Rights Network (GDHRNet), 2023, available here as scientific publication: https://gdhrnet.eu/publications/scientific-publications/, accessed on 01.01.2024.

Cristina Elena Popa Tache, Silviu Constantin, Allocation of Costs in ICSID Arbitration a Continuing Challenge to International Law, International Investment Law Journal Volume 3, Issue 1, February , pp. 4-16, 2023.

Ranking of Treatment Standards in International Investments, International Investment Law Journal Volume 1, Issue 1, February 2021, pp. 79-87.

O corelare a cripto-activelor cu dreptul internațional al comunicațiilor și al noilor tehnologii / A Correlation of Crypto-assets with International Law of Communications and New Technologies, Revista de Drept Bancar și Financiar, nr. 1/2023 online (ianuarie-iunie), Editura Rosetti.

Despre legătura între investițiile atipice, produsele financiare corelate acestora și instrumentarul dreptului internațional/On the interface between atypical investments, related financial products and international law instruments, Revista de Drept Bancar și Financiar, nr. 2/2023 online (iulie-decembrie), Editura Rosetti.

Cristina Elena Popa Tache, Cătălin-Silviu Săraru, Evaluating Today’s Multi-Dependencies in Digital Transformation, Corporate Governance and Public International Law Triad, in Cogent Social Sciences 10 (1) by Taylor & Francis. DOI:10.1080/23311886.2024.2370945. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23311886.2024.2370945

Cristina Elena Popa Tache, Cătălin-Silviu Săraru, Konstantinos Kouroupis, Different perspectives concerning the right not to use the internet and some analogies with education | Diverse prospettive sul diritto a non usare internet ed alcune analogie con l'istruzione, in European Journal of Privacy Law & Technologies Issue 2024/1, Focus Section: https://universitypress.unisob.na.it/ojs/index.php/ejplt/index (Scopus).

Evaluarea eficienței măsurilor de protecție a consumatorilor în sectorul bancar românesc/Assessing the effectiveness of consumer protection measures in the romanian banking sector, Revista de Drept Bancar și Financiar, nr. 1/2024 (ianuarie-iunie), Editura Rosetti.

Cristina Elena Popa Tache, Eduardo Seino Wiviurka, Designing a Transdisciplinary Legal Curriculum Tailored to Fuse Social, Technological, and Ethical Considerations. Elevating the Voice of International Law, in Popa Tache, Cristina Elena, Hubert Landier, Leonardo da S.G. Martins da Costa & Mariana Thieriot Loisel (eds.), For an International Transdisciplinary Chair. About the Dialogue Between Culture and Technoscience, ADJURIS – International Academic Publisher, Bucharest, Paris, Calgary, 2024, p. 90-134

The New International Triangle: Human Rights-Digitalization-Security, International Investment Law Journal Volume 4, Issue 1, February 2024, pp. 4-17, E-Book Download

Cristina Elena Popa Tache, Cătălin-Silviu Săraru, Yesterday and Today for State Contracts – Explicationibus on the Routes of Administrative Law and Public International Law, International Investment Law Journal 4, no. 2 (July 2024): 198-207. DOI: 10.62768/IILJ/2024/4/2/06.

Cristina Elena Popa Tache, Heliona Miço (Bellani), Some Reflections on Two of the Most Visible Developments: The Right to Refuse Internet Use and the 'Chilling Effect', in Pajuste, Tiina, Heliona Bellani (Miço) & Sejla Maslo Cerkic (eds.), Legal Perspectives in the Modern Era of Technological Transformations, ADJURIS – International Academic Publisher, Bucharest, Paris, Calgary, 2024, p. 13-23. DOI: https://doi.org/10.62768/ADJURIS/2024/1/01.

Can Transdisciplinarity Offer a Fair Addition in the Modern Protection of Women's Rights?Transdisciplinaridade Pode Ofereceruma Contribuição Justana Proteção Moderna Dos Direitos Das Mulheres?, Lex Humana (ISSN 2175-0947), 16(2), 107–125. Retrieved from https://seer.ucp.br/seer/index.php/LexHumana/article/view/3016.

Developing a Transdisciplinary Curriculum in Law: Integrating Social, Technological, and Ethical Aspects. International Law Quo Vadis?, in Popa Tache, Cristina Elena, Hubert Landier, Leonardo da S.G. Martins da Costa & Mariana Thieriot Loisel (eds.), For an International Transdisciplinary Chair: From Knowledge to the Future, Volume II, ADJURIS – International Academic Publisher, Bucharest, Paris, Calgary, 2024, p. 88-99, https://doi.org/10.62768/ADJURIS/2024/4/06.

Digital Boom – current issues from international investment to human rights, in Tiina Pajuste, Human Rights in the Digital Domain – Core Questions, Ed. Cambridge University Press, 2025 (forthcoming).

Cristina Elena Popa Tache and Cătălin-Silviu Săraru, Contemporary Dilemmas Regarding Individual Autonomy to Not Use the Internet and Some Landing Strips Provided by the Right to Refuse Education, in the upcoming edited volume on The right not to use the internet: Concept, contexts, consequences, to be published in the Current Debates in European Integration series (Routledge).

Cristina Elena Popa Tache and Paul Ghils, Militarisation du changement climatique. Risques et avantages pour la sécurité européenne et le droit international, in Le droit international en transition, volume collectif. Contributions à la 4ème Conférence sur le Droit comparé et international Conférence internationale, 14 juin 2024, Bucarest. Ed. L`Harmattan, Collection : Logiques Juridiques,, 2024. Coordinating Editors: Cristina Elena Popa Tache and Cătălin-Silviu Săraru (forthcoming).

• Cristina Elena Popa Tache, Cătălin-Silviu Săraru, New Transdisciplinary Directions in International Law?, Lex Humana (ISSN 2175-0947), 15(4), 86–109, 2023. Retrieved from https://seer.ucp.br/seer/index.php/LexHumana/article/view/2705, Web of Science, Scopus.

Tiina Pajuste
Honorary Expert

Tiina Pajuste is Professor of International Law and Security at Tallinn University. Prof Pajuste has previously worked as a Research Fellow at the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law at the University of Cambridge, where she worked on the project Legal Tools for Peace-Making, researching the role international law plays in peace negotiations, and at the Erik Castrén Institute of International Law and Human Rights (University of Helsinki), where she analysed human rights mainstreaming in the context of the European Security and Defence Policy.

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She completed her PhD at the University of Cambridge on “Accountability Mechanisms for International Organisations”. Her current research focuses on digital human rights, non-discrimination and different aspects of peace negotiations. She was the leader of the research focused working group of the Global Digital Human Rights Network (COST project; https://gdhrnet.eu ). Link to CV.

Professor Pajuste’s research and Publications focus on three main areas – the accountability of international organisations, the role of international law in peace processes and (digital) human rights – which are tied together with the overarching aim of researching the role of international institutions in international interactions. Some of the more noteworthy publications include: Tiina Pajuste, Julia Vassileva, “Inclusion of Women in the Ukrainian Peace Process – Can International Law Play a Bigger Role in Ensuring Inclusion?”, 42 Polish Yearbook of International Law (2022) 83-107; Tiina Pajuste, “Inclusion and Women in Peace Processes”, in Marc Weller et al (Eds), International Law and Peace Settlements (CUP, 2021); Tiina Pajuste, “The Status of the Human Rights of Older Persons”, in Andreas von Arnauld, Kerstin von der Decken, Mart Susi (Eds), The Cambridge Handbook on New Human Rights. Recognition, Novelty, Rhetoric (CUP, 2020); Tiina Pajuste, “The Protection of Personal Data in a Digital Society: The Role of the GDPR”, in Mart Susi, Routledge Handbook on Digital Society and Human Rights (Routledge, 2019); Tiina Pajuste, “The Evolution of the Concept of Immunity of International Organizations”, 8 East-West Studies (2017) 6-20; Tiina Pajuste, “Women and Peace Agreements”, 7 East-West Studies (2016) 30-50; Tiina Pajuste, “Legality of International Territorial Administration by the UN”, 18 Finnish Yearbook of International Law (2007) 261-281; Tiina Pajuste, Mainstreaming Human Rights in the Context of European Security and Defence Policy (the Erik Castrén Institute Research Reports 23/2008).

Jenifer MacKay AM
Honorary Expert

Academic lawyer researching human rights and environmental sustainability to advise governments local national and international and private sector and charities. Writer, documentary maker and photographer.

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Experienced Professor of Business Law with successful history of working in the higher education industry and for government and private sector to advance sustainable development and gender inclusive , disability aware and social inclusion in freshwater GEDSI. I have developed skills in advising on the difficult legal concepts of ecologically Sustainable Development, Corporate Social Responsibility, Environmental Issues and GEDSI as well as comparative law and law .Now I am prominent in South Australia in advocating for a human rights act with the right to a clean healthy environment embedded. Research on environmental human rights defenders is underway and just transitions to net zero.
, Link.

But cases and UN declarations are very positive . I have developed business development skills and applied human rights skills to climate change issues in Australia,Vietnam, India and Fiji and am now an adjunct professor at Uni Fiji and at ANU.I have an Editorial roles IUCN Academy of Environmental law for 3 years . Made a lasting impact on SA water policy law and awarded the Premiers’ medal for water research from the Aust Water Association and Dept of Environment. Supervising students on circular economyand engaged with Commonwealth and State governments on waste reduction strategies and best practice. Senior Fulbright to UC Berkeley in 2009 Boalt Law School.Over 170 publications highly cited on legal aspects of sustainable development . Skilled presenter and communicator In July 2023 I was honoured with an AM fir services to law and the legal profession. This is the way the Australian nation recognises significant service . Organised the 7th Frontiers in Environmental Law conference February 25-26 , 2021 for IUCN Academy of Environmental Law. Coeditor of Journal of Environmental Law IUCN Academy Of environmental law. UniSA representative on Law Associate Deans Research Network ( LADRN) and coordinator of Australian Law Research Awards in 2023

Elected by peers to be fellow of International Water Association France 2021. Invited by Fulbright Commission to do a TedX talk on the messy mosaic of environmental laws in 2019. See https://people.unisa.edu.au/Jennifer.McKay

Paulina E. WILSON
Honorary Expert

Dr Paulina E. Wilson is a Lecturer in Law, Deputy Director of Education and LLB Programme Coordinator at the School of Law, Queen’s University Belfast.

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A Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, and a member of the British Institute of International and Comparative Law, the Irish Society of Comparative Law, the Society of Legal Scholars, the Socio-Legal Studies Association and the Chartered Institute of Linguists. She holds a Master of Arts degree in English Language and Literature, a Master of Legal Science degree and a PhD in Comparative Law/Legal Translation. Her interdisciplinary research focusses on conceptual micro-comparisons in the areas of tort and criminal law, and the impact of interjurisdictional law variation on global law practice, including judicial cooperation, foreign law as evidence, and both professional and legal-lay communication.

Dr Wilson is an Editorial Board member at the Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly and is also involved in training delivery at the Judicial College in Northern Ireland, UK.

Dr Wilson is the author of numerous articles and book chapters, including “Comparative Law in Legal Education and Practice: An Interdisciplinary Perspective,” Juridical Tribune 14, no. 3 (2024, forthcoming); “Towards Transdisciplinarity in Legal Education and   Practice: A Call for Academic Leadership,” in A Plea for an International Transdisciplinary Chair: Dialogue Between Culture and Technoscience, ed. C.E. Popa Tache, H. Landier, L. da S. G. Martins da Costa and M. Thieriot Loisel (Bucharest, Paris and Calgary: ADJURIS – International Academic Publisher, 2024, forthcoming); “Secondary exposure to asbestos: a case of pleural plaques,” Journal of Professional Negligence 40, no. 2 (2024): 81-85; “Comparative law outside the ivory tower: an interdisciplinary perspective,” Legal Studies 43 (2023): 641-57; P. E. Wilson and K. J. Fandl, “The Effects of Brexit on Real Property Investment in Northern Ireland,” Real Estate Law Journal 46, no. 3 (2017): 392-420; “Interjural Incommensurability in Criminal Law: Constructing a Framework for Micro-Comparisons for Translation Purposes,” in Language and Law in Social Practice Research, ed. G. Tessuto and R. Salvi, 200-23 (Mantova: Universitas Studiorum, 2015).

During her academic career, Dr Wilson received a number of distinctions, including an Award under the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) CRoSS+ Fund, 1 Jun 2023; an Award under the ESRC IAA CRoSS Fund, 24 Nov 2022, and an Individual Performance Award under the STAR Scheme, 30 Nov 2022. Her paper entitled ‘Comparative law outside the ivory tower: an interdisciplinary perspective’ was shortlisted for the Society of Legal Scholars’ Best Paper Prize at the SLS Annual Conference in 2020. Link: https://pure.qub.ac.uk/en/persons/paulina-wilson

Florent Pasquier
Honorary Advisor and Expert in Education

(France), Professor qualified to supervise research in the Sciences of Education and Training, Université Paris Sorbonne - Inspé. Specialist in educational technologies, alternative education, transversality, technontology. President of CIRET, Paris.
See CV here.

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Editorial Responsabillities
Collection Direction and Section Responsibility

Since 2019, managing the collection "Interfaces et Transdisciplinarités," founded in 2005 by Patrick Paul at L'Harmattan Editions, Paris. Two works have been published, and three more are in preparation since this date.
Member of the Terra-HN network – a scientific research and publication network on transnational mobilities and digital humanities – created by Jérôme Valluy (UTC), and editorial manager of the "Transdisciplinarity, Humanism, Education, Technology, and Social Facts" programme, initiated in 2016. ISSN 808-997-90.
Active participant in the journal Les Cahiers Costech as a member of the editorial board and co-manager of the "Education and Digital" section with Michaël Vicente. ISSN 2678-3932.
Continuing the editorial work of Basarab Nicolescu, in coordination with Bénédicte Letellier, for the journal Rencontres Transdisciplinaires/Transdisciplinary Encounters, the publication organ of the Ciret – International Centre for Transdisciplinary Research and Studies (over 26 issues published). ISSN 1777-8549.

Expertise for Leading Scientific Journals
L'Année de la Recherche en Sciences de l'Éducation (Arse): Scientific committee member, expert evaluator. ISBN 978-2-343-10282-5.
The International Journal of E-Learning & Distance Education (Ijede), Canadian Network for Innovation in Education (Cnie): Reviewer. ISSN 0830-0445.
La Revue des Sciences de l'éducation (Montreal, Canada): Peer reviewer. ISSN 1705-0065.
Éducation et Socialisation: Member of the reading committee. ISSN 2271-6092.
Éducation Relative à l'Environnement: Regards-Recherches-Réflexions: Expert evaluator. ISSN 1373-9689.

Expertise for National and International Scientific Journals
Pratiques de Formation/Analyses (PFA), supported by the Experice research laboratory, Paris 8. Member of the editorial committee and evaluator. Click here.
Revista Portuguesa de Educação (Portugal). Rapporteur. ISSN 0871-9187, E-ISSN 2183-0452.
Revista Theologica Xaveriana (Colombia): Arbiter. ISSN 0120-3649. Rizomatrans (Valencia, Spain): Scientific and editorial committee. ISBN 9788493533533.
Athenea Digital, Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain): Reviewer. ISSN 1578-8946.
The Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science, Atlas Publishing (Texas, USA): Reviewer. ISSN 1949-0569.
Runae, Scientific Journal of Educational Research at Unae (Ecuador): External Editorial Committee. ISSN 2550-6846.
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability (Cosust), Elsevier: Reviewer. ISSN 1877-3435.

Monographs, Collections, Edited and Coordinated Works

Hagège, H., HéJer, R., Pasquier, F. & Vannereau, J. (coords.) (in press). Instituer une éducation laïque à la spiritualité ? Des conditions aux modalités.
Pasquier, F., Debono, M.-W., Letellier, B., Thieriot-Loisel, M. (2024). IIIe Congrès Mondial de la Transdisciplinarité - Adopter un langage transdisciplinaire commun face à la complexité du monde. Rencontres Transdisciplinaires, special multilingual issue. Paris: Rencontres Transdisciplinaires – PlasticitéS. ISBN 978-2-9554541-4-5.
de Castro, G., Collado, J., Dravet, F., Pasquier, F., (coords.). (2023). Transdisciplinarité et éducation du futur. Paris: L'Harmattan. 262 p. ISBN 978-2-14-028974-3.
Modreanu, S., Pasquier, F. (coords.). (2022). Basarab Nicolescu. L’Homme cosmoderne. The Cosmodern Human. Omul cosmodern. 687 p. Iași (Romania): Junimea Publishing. ISBN 78-973-37-2525-1.
de Castro, G., Collado, J., Dravet, F., Pasquier, F. (coords.). (2020). Transdisciplinariedad y educación del futuro. Brasília: UNESCO Chair of Youth, Education and Society; Catholic University of Brasília. 260 p. ISBN 978-65-87522-00-5.
Pasquier, F., Thieriot Loisel, M. (2024). The Museum Visit: Art and Transdisciplinarity. For an International Transdisciplinary Chair. About the Dialogue Between Culture and Technoscience, pp. 261-276.  unesco.org.
Ruano, J. C., Pasquier, F. & Galeffi, D. (2024). Educação transdisciplinar para um mundo complexo. In IIIe Congrès Mondial de la Transdisciplinarité - Adopter un langage transdisciplinaire commun face à la complexité du monde, Vol. IV, pp. 53-98. Rencontres Transdisciplinaires - PlasticitéS.
Pasquier, F., Letellier, B., & Noûs, C. (2024). Basarab Nicolescu et l’aventure du CIRET: des débuts de l’association au IIIème congrès transdisciplinaire international en ligne, pp. 205-218. In IIIe Congrès Mondial de la Transdisciplinarité - Adopter un langage transdisciplinaire commun face à la complexité du monde, Vol. IV. Paris: Rencontres Transdisciplinaires - PlasticitéS. ISBN 978-2-9554541-4-5.
Pasquier, F. (2024). Participation du CIRET au IIIème Congrès Mondial de la Transdisciplinarité. In IIIe Congrès Mondial de la Transdisciplinarité - Adopter un langage transdisciplinaire commun face à la complexité du monde, Vol. IV, pp. 219-298. Paris: Rencontres Transdisciplinaires - PlasticitéS.
Ruano, J. C., & Pasquier, F. (2023). Transdisciplinary. In N. Wallenhort & C. Wulf (Eds.), Handbook of the Anthropocene. Humans between Heritage and Future, pp. 491-495. Springer International Publishing. EAN 978-3-031-25910-4.
Pasquier, F. (2023). O tempo e o espaço na escola na França: Das expectativas institucionais reduzidas às atividades eco-cidadãs diversificadas. In Ateliê pela paz. Diálogos interculturais em Educação Ambiental, pp. 19-26. Rio Grande, Brazil: Yaguarú.
Pasquier, F. (2023). Faire vivre les pédagogies alternatives dans un contexte d’enseignement massifié. In Transdisciplinarité et éducation du futur, Paris: L'Harmattan, pp. 45-57. ISBN 978-2-14-028974-3.
Briançon, M, Hagège, H., Pasquier, F. (coords.). Éducation(s) et spiritualité(s). Revue Éducation et Socialisation, no. 56 (2020). ISSN 2271-6092
de Castro, G., Collado, J., Dravet, F., Pasquier, F., (orgs.). (2020). Transdisciplinariedad y educación del futuro. Brasília: UNESCO Chair of Youth, Education, and Society; Catholic University of Brasília. 260 p. ISBN: 978-65-87522-00-5.
The full list of scientific papers can be found here.

Paul Ghils
Director of International Relations

Doctor in Philosophy, professor emeritus of the Free university of Brussels, He taught language sciences and international relations in Algeria, Gabon, Mexico, Iran and Belgium

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From 1985 to 2005, he edited Transnational Associations, the journal of the Union of International Associations (UIA), which also publishes the Yearbook of International Relations), and created the cosmopolitical journal Cosmopolis in 2007. He has published numerous studies at the intersection of philosophy, language science and political science. and the and now edits a terminology and conceptual database on various subfields of international relations, hosted by the European Observatory for Plurilingualism (EOP).

More about Paul on this link or this link.

Hitomi Kimura
Honorary Expert

Associate Professor of International Environmental Law, Otsuma Women's University, Tokyo, Japan. Climate law expert.
She will be a President of Society of International Business and Legal Studies, Board Member of European Union Studies Association Japan (2025-).
Piano composer.

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