Working Groups
Objective: Focused on analysing how national and international legal systems adapt to changes. The aim is to identify best practices for creating flexible legal regulations capable of managing new transformations, while respecting the autonomy of international law as a discipline.
Topics:Legislative reform, adaptive regulation in response to crises, innovations in international and administrative law.
Coordinated by drd. Daniela Duță
Objective: As governments across the globe develop policies to regulate AI and new technologies, public consultation has become a critical part of the policy development process. The public, academia, and stakeholders from various sectors are invited to share their perspectives and provide feedback on AI-related policies. This input can influence the development of fair, ethical, and inclusive AI regulations, with respect for human rights laws. This section summarises opportunities for public comment, statements provided by the Institute, and the resulting outcomes. All of this will be based on the joint decision including the core team members. The group analyses the impact of emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, facial recognition, and big data, on fundamental human rights.
Topics:Data protection, privacy in the digital age, human rights and digital surveillance, etc.
Coordinated by drd. Isabelle Oprea
Objective: The core of the analysis focuses on the intersection between international economic law and global economic dynamics, concentrating on global economic and trade policies, with a particular emphasis on digital transformation in the financial and banking sector and on legal and economic regulations that facilitate the integration of digital technologies in key sectors, access, literacy, and financial and banking inclusion on a global level.
Topics: Global economy, international business and human rights, corporate governance, international investments, financial inclusion, governance in the context of digitalisation, the impact of new technologies (such as FinTech, AI, and blockchain) on financial markets, regulatory solutions for banking digitalisation, sustainability issues, mechanisms for resolving international economic disputes, relevant international conventions, etc.
Objective: Researching alternative methods of dispute resolution, such as arbitration and mediation, and their impact on international justice.
Topics: International arbitration, cross-border mediation, resolution of international disputes.
Objective: Comparing governments' approaches to public policies and identifying global trends in regulation.
Topics: Comparative policy analysis, international legal regulations, the impact of public policies.
Objective: Investigating the interaction between international law and economic and social development, particularly in developing countries.
Topics:Sustainable development, international legal assistance, cooperation for development.
Objective:Researching national and international legislation concerning environmental issues and climate change.
Topics:Environmental law, regulations for reducing carbon emissions, renewable energy legislation.
Objective: Exploring how digitalisation can improve the efficiency and transparency of public administration on a global level.
Topics: E-governance, decision-making transparency, digitalisation of administrative processes.
Objective: Analysing the effects of globalisation and migration on labour regulations, with a focus on protecting workers' rights.
Topics:Cross-border labour regulation, migrants' rights, the impact of globalisation on the labour market.
Objective: Investigating how artificial intelligence can be effectively regulated within legal and administrative systems.
Topics:Ethics in AI, algorithm regulation, legal responsibility for automated systems.
Objective:Researching how the pandemic accelerated changes in law and public administration, and the lessons for future crisis management.
Topics: Post-pandemic lessons, crisis management, restructuring of public services.
Objective: Promoting legal education from an inter-, multi-, and transdisciplinary perspective, exploring new teaching and research methods in a legal context, including the creation of an international chair in transdisciplinarity in law.
Topics: Transdisciplinarity in legal education, innovative pedagogical methods, integrating other disciplines (technology, economics, social sciences) into legal teaching.